Monday, July 21, 2008

Obama and Chavez, Sharing a Common Goal!

What do Barack Obama and Hugo Chavez have in common?

From Reuters News Agency:
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez visits a resurgent Russia this week on an arms shopping trip that raises the anti-U.S. leader's profile and will irritate his hosts' rivals in Washington.

Chavez, a firebrand socialist who supports Russia's increasingly bold opposition to U.S. foreign policy, will use the trip to burnish his own credentials as a fierce critic of what he calls the U.S. empire.
Okay, now let's rewrite that Reuters report with a few minor alterations:
Barack Obama visits Iraq this week on a trip that raises the anti-U.S. leader's profile, and is sure to irritate his rivals in Washington.

Obama , a firebrand socialist who supports the Iraqi insurgency's bold opposition to U.S. foreign policy, will use the trip to Iraq to burnish his own credentials as a fierce critic of what he calls the U.S. empire.
And that, my friends, is what Barack Obama and Hugo Chavez have in common.

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