Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Biden, Iran Connection - Morrissey and Rubin Leave Out Key Details!

Michael Rubin and Ed Morrissey recount how Sen. Joe Biden - over the last decade or so - tried to open relations between Iran’s theocratic regime and the West.

But they left out some important points, which I mentioned in my previous post [I know I'm being redundant - sorry]:

Biden, in 2004, held a high-level, 90-minute meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister, Kamal Kharrazi at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland - despite the fact that the U.S. has had no official relations with Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Even more troubling than that: In 2002 Biden held a fund-raiser at the California home of Sadegh Namazi-khah, a prominent lobbyist for the radical mullah regime, where he raked in $30,000 for his senatorial campaign.

Yuval Levin of The National Review Online, cites a TNR article - which I mentioned in my previous post, detailing a meeting that Biden held with committee staffers shortly after the 9/11 attacks, where according to TNR, Biden hit on an idea: "Seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran."

I suspect there may be an avaricious motive behind Biden's pro-Iranian position -and I think it has something to do with the color green - $$$.

Hopefully, Pamela Geller and her loyal followers, who've done an excellent job in vetting out Barack Obama's campaign contributions, will begin examining Senator Biden's campaign contributions. I know it's a painstaking task, and not for the meek of heart. But someone's got to do it - and it ain't gonna be me! Ughhhh!

Related Post:
Is Senator Biden Sympathetic Towards the Iranian Regime and it's Nuclear Ambitions?

The Biden, Iran Connection - The Saga Continues

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