Friday, August 1, 2008

Rafah Resident, Monir Edwan Donated $24,321.41 to Barack Obama's Campaign!

A reader of the Atlas Shrugs blog has discovered a red flag among Barack Obama's campaign contributions. A fellow by the name of Monir Edwan donated $24,321.41 to the Obama campaign, well over the legal limit. On Obama's official filings with the Federal Election Commission it lists Edwan as a resident of Rafah GA. Problem is, no such town exists in the state of Georgia. But there is a refugee camp by that name - in the Gaza Strip.

Donation Details: Adwan, Monir Rafah, Georgia

Here is the file: Download EdwanDetail.xls.

And here's the link to the FEC file, Compliments of Atlas Shrugs.

Debbie Schlussel notes: "As we all know, it is illegal for any U.S. candidate for federal office (and most state and local offices) to accept campaign contributions from foreign nationals. It is also illegal for any U.S. candidate for President to accept more than $2,300 per election cycle."

To see the contents of the FEC file, you could also hop on over to The American Jingoist, who has it posted on his blog, showing the entire list of donations adding up to $24,321.41. And he concludes his post with the following observation:
So Friends… what do you think? I think the phone banks are humming at Hezbollah and Hamas, the purveyors of death, intolerance, murder and terrorism are working the phone banks on overtime for their boy the Mulatto Marxist, Barack Hussein Obama! Is this the guy you want as your President?
He may be jumping the gun a little bit, but $24,321.41 is a heck of a lot of money for someone living in a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip!

Of course, this could all be a mistake. Perhaps there is a town called Rafah tucked away somewhere in the state of Georgia, or perhaps Mr. Edwan lives elsewhere in Georgia and decided to list Rafah as his preferred choice of residence, but it still doesn't explain how Obama was able to accept well over the legal amount allowed for campaign contributions.

Get ready for the spin. You know it's coming. It always does.


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