Thursday, September 18, 2008

Change the Iranians can Believe In!

Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has been disinvited from a rally planned for Monday to protest Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's U.N. visit. Hillary Clinton dropped out of the event on Wednesday after learning that Sarah Palin had been invited to attend, and organizers withdrew the invitation from Palin fearing the event would be perceived as a partisan political rally if she were to attend.

According to Newsday, organizers of the event ''approached Barack Obama's campaign to find a Democratic representative of equal prominence to Palin after Clinton dropped out, even inquiring whether Obama running mate Joe Biden could appear. But when the Obama campaign made it clear it wouldn't send Biden, the groups decided to eliminate all politicians from the rally, including Palin.''

Obviously, neither Biden or Barack Obama would ever attend such a rally since it is contrary to the Obama/Biden doctrine of making nice to tyrannical regimes.

Here's what the McCain website had to say on the matter:
This issue is too important to fall victim to partisan politics. Instead of.. pressuring the event's organizers to disinvite Governor Palin, we hope Senator Obama will consider lending his own voice to this cause. And if Senator subsequently wishes to clarify any remarks that might be misconstrued, he will have the opportunity to meet with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without preconditions after he speaks at the UN the following day.
Barack Obama has said that he would use a 'carrot and stick' approach in dealing with Iran, but unfortunately, even a teeny little stick, like protesting the Iranian regime, is way too heavy for him to carry. And Biden, well, he's received plenty of carrots from Iranian lobbyists over the years, and he's not about to pay them back with sticks [even verbal sticks] anytime soon. In response to the 9/11 attacks, in October of 2001, Sen. Biden proposed that the US send the Iranian regime a $200,000,000 check to mend fences with its enemies. That's a hell of a lot of carrots - and the kind of 'change' Iranians can certainly believe in.

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