Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The "Crush on Obama" Phenomenon is Slowly Dissipating

"When it comes to support for Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, men and women don't see eye to eye", so says the notorious Liberal mouthpiece, CNN. However, this misleading bit of information belies the fact that millions of women, who once supported Barack Obama, are now solidly rooting for Sarah Palin.

Excerpted from the Stumper:
Asked this afternoon... whether the surprise addition of... Sarah Palin to the Republican ticket has helped John McCain woo women, Barack Obama said no. "There is no doubt that.. Republicans are excited, particularly the right wing of the party... by Governor Palin's choice," Obama said."I think that has less to go with gender than it has to do with her ideological predispositions, which are closely aligned to theirs."...

However, an ABC News/Washington Post poll taken ahead of the conventions, showed Obama leading among white women voters by a..., 50 to 42 percent margin. But the latest version of the same survey, out yesterday,
shows McCain winning white women 53-41. That's a sudden 20-point net shift in McCain's direction. Obama's "analysis"--that a sizable swath of right-wing women were planning to vote for a socially liberal Democrat UNTIL they discovered that a social conservative had joined the Republican ticket--is simply irrational.

The more logical explanation is that a number of moderate white women who loosely preferred Obama last month are now attracted to Palin not because of her views on abortion... and creationism in schools, but in spite of them (otherwise, they wouldn't be moderates, and they wouldn't be considering Obama).

Meanwhile, the
latest Gallup survey shows "political independents shifting to [McCain] in fairly big numbers, from 40% pre-convention to 52% post-convention," while Obama's share of the indepedent vote plunges to 37 percent.

In other words, McCain's new voters are coming from the middle--not the fringe. Despite what Obama says.
The "crush on Obama" phenomenon is over with. Countless women all across America are fed up with their former "knight in shining armor"and are now uniting behind Sarah Palin.

Despite what CNN says.

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