Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Obama and the Born Alive Infants Protection Act

I've already discussed the following issue several times on this blog, but it's an important issue and the Left seems intent on denying it, so let's review the facts one more time - for the record.

From Born Alive Truth.Org:
As an Illinois State Senator, Barack Obama opposed the Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act. The legislation defined any infant born alive as a "person” who deserves full legal protection.

The Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act was modeled after the federal version, with the identical definition of “born alive.” The World Health Organization created this definition in 1950. The United Nations adopted it in 1955.

Obama actively opposed the legislation in the Illinois State Senate. In 2001, he voted no in committee and voted present on the floor. In 2002, he voted no in committee and voted no on the floor.

The U.S. Senate passed the federal bill unanimously, with Senators Barbara Boxer and Ted Kennedy speaking in support of it. [Hillary Clinton and Dianne Feinstein supported the bill too.]

The pro-abortion group NARAL expressed neutrality on the federal bill. On August 5, 2002, President George W. Bush signed it into law.

For four years Obama has said he would have supported the federal version, but that simply isn’t true. In 2003, as chairman of the Illinois Senate's Health and Human Services Committee, Obama
voted yes on an amendment that made the Illinois version identical to the federal one. However, he then voted no on the amended bill.

Let's reiterate that final point. The Illinois bill after it was amended was identical to the Federal bill that was supported by Senators Barbara Boxer, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton and Dianne Feinstein. Even NARAL expressed neutrality on the federal bill. And Obama, the most liberal senator in 2007 - according to National Journal's 27th annual vote ratings - voted against the Illinois bill - that was exactly identical to the Federal bill he claims he would have supported.

Related posts:

Born Alive Infants Cry Out to Obama: "We Don't Want To Die!"

Obama Blocked the 'Born Alive Infant Protection Act'

Obama's Opposition to BAIPA Finally Brought to the Fore

Obama is Pro-Life?

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