Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Obama, the Uighurs, Jerome Corsi, Odinga and more...

Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court granted terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay access to the federal courts. While Sen. John McCain expressed reservations about the ruling, Barack Obama supported the ruling, saying that it strikes the proper balance between fighting terrorism and "protecting our core values."

I suppose when Barack Obama made those remarks, he was referring to the following "core values": H/T Debbie Schlussel:
A federal judge today ordered that 17 Chinese Muslims [Uighurs] held at the Guantanamo Bay military prison be released into the United States by Friday, agreeing with the detainees' attorneys that the Constitution bars holding the men indefinitely without cause."

U.S. District Judge Ricardo M. Urbina... ordered the release "because the Constituion prohibits indefinite detention without cause." He added, "The separation of powers do not trump" the prohibition against holding people indefinitely without trial...

Scores of detainees are challenging their detentions in federal court after winning a Supreme Court ruling in June that gave them the right to have their cases reviewed by federal judges under the legal doctrine of habeas corpus....

The government has asserted that the Uighurs were members of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement and trained at camps affiliated with the Taliban or al-Qaeda. The Bush administration designated ETIM a terrorist organization in August 2002, after the Uighurs were taken into custody....
Don't worry, Barack Obama will keep this country safe, and at the same time, "protect our nation's core values"......

In other news today: Jerome Corsi, the author of the best selling book, "The Obama Nation," has been detained in Kenya and is expected to be deported soon. Corsi arrived in Kenya Thursday to promote the book and to investigate Obama's ties to Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

Corsi "told WND Editor Joseph Farah by telephone that Kenyan authorities claimed they were holding him because the immigration forms his party filled out for customs had been lost."

Kenyan Prime Minister, Ralia Odinga once said that he is a cousin to Barack Obama. In January, Odinga told the BBC's "The World Today" that Barack Obama's father was his maternal uncle.

Earlier this year I wrote that when Barack Obama went to Kenya in August of 2006, he was hosted by Raila Odinga and spoke in praise of him at rallies in Nairobi. Obama’s praise for Odinga was so blatant that a Kenya government spokesman denounced Obama during his visit as Raila’s “stooge.” - Source - The Midnight Sun

Barack Obama's father, a native Kenyan, was closely aligned to Raila's father, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, a former Vice President of Kenya and a Marxist enthusiast who once boasted that "Communism is like food to me".

In August of 2007 - while running for the Kenyan Presidency - Raila Odinga signed an agreement with Kenyan Muslim leaders promising, among other things, the implementation of Sharia law in certain parts of Kenya, censorship of Christian programming on government airwaves, and a ban on Christian open-air gatherings in Muslim areas as well. - Source - Eakenya.org, The Obama Odinga Connection - on the sidebar, The Midnight Sun

When Raila Odinga lost the presidential election in December, he claimed the vote was rigged, whereupon his tribal followers went on murderous rampages such as in the town of Eldoret, where on New Years Day dozens of people were burned to death in a church set on fire… Throughout Kenya, hundreds of people were politically murdered. - Source-The Midnight sun

And another interesting tidbit: Ralia Odinga named his son "Fidel Castro".In an interview with the New York Times [see the end of the video] Odinga defended that decision saying: "That was in the 60's. [Odinga starts to laugh] It was very fashionable to be leftist. Fidel Castro then symbolized the resistance against imperial domination. Of course, the world has since changed."

Considering Obama's ties to Prime Minister Odinga and how he spoke so adoringly of him at rallies in Nairobi in 2006, it really is no surprise that Jerome Corsi was detained upon in Kenya. No surprise at all.....

And finally, if you're interested in learning more about Obama's ties to radical extremists, you can peruse the YouTube videos on this page.

Disclaimer: I am not necessarily endorsing all the claims made on these videos, nor have I seen all the videos on that particular page, but you can certainly get a better picture of Obama's radical ties by watching these videos.

Happy surfing....

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