Friday, November 21, 2008

Hillary Clinton to be Secretary of State

From Fox News:
Sen. Hillary Clinton has accepted the position of secretary of state in the Obama administration, FOX News has confirmed...

One transition aide told FOX News that the two camps have worked out financial disclosure issues involving Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, and the complicated international funding of his foundation that operates in 27 countries...
It's mind-boggling to see someone like Barack Obama - who's received countless campaign contributions from abroad - make such a fuss over Bill Clinton's foreign donations.

Was Obama simply looking for a pretext to keep Hillary out of the picture? I don't know. But if that was his plan, it failed miserably. Hillary Clinton is now Obama's Secretary of State - for better or for worse......


  1. Obama shouldn't have even been able to serve as a Senator, never mind the President! With his past associations, he wouldn't have been able to get security clearance,yet he's qualified to be President. What is wrong with this picture? Clinton's and Obama's foreign donations should be an issue, but for the Democrats it won't. If it were a Republican, fahgeddaboudit!
