Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Viva La France! Viva La Obama!

French President, Nicolas Sarkozy may be a bit apprehensive over the prospect of an Obama Presidency, but many of his fellow countrymen are ecstatic over the idea.

Take a look at the following YouTube video. But first read the description in the sidebar of the video. Here's what it says:

"In partnership with the French Committee of Support for Barack Obama, French and European citizens come together with Americans and other nationalities on Monday, November 3rd, 2008 on the Esplanade of Trocadéro to release a red, white, and blue flock of balloons for the election of Barack Obama. The Eiffel Tower sparkles in the background in a special show for Obama."

Please show your support for Senator Obama and his French constituents by visiting the 'France For Obama' blog. But please be forewarned that in order to read this blog you must understand French - which, I assume, is the reason Sen. Obama wants us all to learn French.......

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