Monday, December 22, 2008

'The Obama Report' Denies MSM Allegations

I noticed the following headline on several of the mainstream media websites:

"Obama Report to Explain Staff Contact with Gov".

Now, let me make this perfectly clear: These rumors are completely false! "The Obama Report" has no intention of trying to explain any contacts that the Obama team might have had with Governor Blagojevich.

Besides, the Politico website is reporting that "e-mails and other records [belonging to the Obama team] that could be key to understanding those contacts [between the Obama team and Blagojevich]... may never see the light of day, thanks to a gap in government records disclosure laws that allows presidential transition teams to keep their documents - even those prepared using taxpayer dollars - out of the public record."

So, as long as those records remain under wraps, the president-elect [by default] is in the clear and there's not much left for me or "The Obama Report" to explain..........