Monday, December 22, 2008

Rick Warren Sells his Soul to Obama

Question: Is it worthwhile to try and appease the Left?

Answer: No, because ultimately, you'll end up sacrificing your own beliefs in a futile and an obsequious attempt to win their affection.

Case in point: Rick Warren of the Saddleback Church.

From LGF:
Rick Warren, the Saddleback Church pastor chosen by Barack Obama to deliver the invocation at the presidential inauguration, has been getting a lot of media attention because he’s a very vocal opponent of gay marriage. Panda’s Thumb points out that Warren is also a creationist: Creationist to Give Invocation at Inauguration.

Oddly enough, the FAQ page at the Saddleback Church that contained their policy statements on dinosaurs, evolution, and homosexuality (among other subjects) has suddenly been wiped clean: Saddleback Church: Small Group Information.

But Google’s cache has a copy as it appeared on December 16, 2008.
So, apparently, instead of heeding Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer's advice that he reconsider his participation in the upcoming inaugural ceremonies, Rick Warren has chosen to sell his soul to Barack Obama and the Left-Wing.

Good luck, Mr. Warren.

Unfortunately, Barack Obama is no one's fool. He's a shrewd politician and a cunning strategist - about as shrewd and cunning as they come......


  1. لاشك ان شركه الحورس تعد افضل شركه خدمات منزليه التي منها (التنظيف/رش مبيدات/مكافحه حشرات/تسليك مجاري/كشف تسربات المياه/تنظيف خزانات..)وعديد من الخدمات التي تلزم البيت او الفله نحن بخدمتك عزيزي العميل.
    شركه نقل اثاث وعفش بالطائف
    افضل شركه تنظيف بالطائف
    شركه مكافحة حشرات بالطائف
    شركه كشف تسربات المياه بالطائف
    حيث شركتنا تتميز باداء الخدمه علي افضل وجهه حيث نعد شركه رش مبيدات بالطائف
    افضل شركه تنظيف خزانات بالطائف
