Friday, January 23, 2009

Freed Gitmo Detainee Leads Al Qaida

Excerpted from the New York Times and Newsmax:

The deputy leader of al-Qaida’s branch in Yemen - Said Ali al-Shihri - is a former Guantanamo detainee, who was released from Guantanamo and sent to Saudi Arabia in 2007... There he passed through a Saudi rehabilitation program for former jihadists before resurfacing with al-Qaida in Yemen...

The development comes as the Obama administration has moved toward closing down the Guantanamo facility and moving it’s most hard-core inmates to U.S. prisons, where they’d have the same rights as American criminals. Critics fear that putting them on U.S. soil will also increase the risk of attacks and hostage taking designed to release them.

American officials say they suspect that Mr. Shihri may have been involved in the car bombings outside the American Embassy in Sana [Yemen] last September that killed 16 people, including six attackers.

From WND:

President Obama, what have you done?... The families of the 9/11 victims are praying that they live long enough to see the monsters being incarcerated at Gitmo receive justice, but that hope is fading...

These families don't want to see O.J. Simpson trials for terrorists where terrorists are able to win their freedom with the help of the ACLU and other terrorist-advocacy groups...

The even more disturbing proposal by Obama's aides would involve the transfer of some of the terrorists to foreign soil where some would no doubt wind up being set free. And when Gitmo detainees are set free, let's just say that they don't sign up for night courses on napkin folding or training to become a registered nurse or paralegal.

The Pentagon says the number of Guantanamo Bay detainees who rejoined terrorist missions after being released is on the rise... 61 detainees are believed as of last month to have returned to the fight against the United States since being released...

Related post: Majority of Americans Oppose Guantanamo Closure

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