Monday, January 5, 2009

Jimmy Carter's 'Habitat for Cockroaches, Rats and Ants'

From the Strata-sphere:

The best example of how the liberal bleeding heart creates ideas that are all hype with no substance... is how the ‘free’ housing built by Jimmy Carter by cheap labor (volunteers with little to no building skills) are now falling apart:
RESIDENTS of a model housing estate bankrolled by Hollywood celebrities and hand-built by Jimmy Carter, the former US president, are complaining that it is falling apart.

Fairway Oaks was built on northern Florida wasteland by 10,000 volunteers, including Carter, in a record 17-day “blitz” organised by the charity Habitat for Humanity.

Eight years later it is better known for cockroaches, mildew and mysterious skin rashes.…

One man pulled up his floorboards to find rubbish 5ft deep under his kitchen. Other complaints include cracking walls and rotting door frames that let in rats and ants. Many residents have complained of mildew and mysterious skin rashes...

A forthcoming legal battle over Fairway Oaks threatens the reputation of a charity envied for the calibre of its celebrity supporters, who range from Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt to Colin Firth, Christian Bale and Helena Bonham Carter...
Is there any better representation of the disasters of liberal policies and how they stand the test of time?

Read in full.

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