Thursday, March 5, 2009

An Open Letter to the President: Please Accept Rush Limbaugh's Invitation

Dear Mr. President,

I have often heard you talk about the need for more bipartisanship in Washington and about your desire to work hand in hand with Republican leaders. Unfortunately, there's one sticking point that makes all of this virtually impossible:

You and members of your administration contend that the leader of the Republican party is none other than Rush Limbaugh, the popular conservative-radio icon. And yet, even as Mr. Limbaugh continues to reach out to you and your administration, you have chosen to disparage him rather than reciprocate his peaceful overtures.

Case in point: On his radio program earlier this year, Mr. Limbaugh proposed a bold and self-sacrificing initiative, called "The Obama-Limbaugh Bipartisan Stimulus Plan of 2009" .

Mr. Limbaugh's plan contained elements that would have satisfied both sides of the aisle, including plenty of pork for the Democrats and significant tax-cutting incentives for the Republicans. And yet, you never even took the time to respond to his plan.

Thus, the question begs to be asked: If, as you contend, Mr. Limbaugh is indeed the leader of the Republican Party, and you truly seek bipartisanship, why won't you even take the time to respond to Mr. Limbaugh's economic proposals?

On Wednesday, Mr. Limbaugh reached out to you [once again] and extended an invitation for you to appear on his radio program to debate him on the issues. This could be a golden opportunity for you to demonstrate bipatisanship by meeting with Mr. Limbaugh and working with him to tackle the pressing issues of the day.

Mr. President, now is not the time for political grandstanding or partisan rancor. The recent attacks against Mr. Limbaugh, emanating from you and members of your administration, are little more than mean-spirited, loathsome vituperations, and certainly not political discourse by any means! This is totally unacceptable!

Thus, I urge you to do away with the partisan attacks and to accept Mr. Limbaugh's invitation. Ultimately, it is imperative upon the leaders of both Parties - you and Mr. Limbaugh respectively - to work hand in hand to move this country forward.

Mr. President, you have often stated that you'd be willing to meet with the president of Iran. Is the leader of Iran any more deserving of bipartisan cooperation than the leader of the Republican Party?

If Mr. Limbaugh is indeed the leader of the Republican Party, as you maintain, and you truly seek bipartisan cooperation, it would behoove you to work together with Mr. Limbaugh, instead of demonizing him and deploying your minions to attack him.

Thank you for your time,
Sincerely and respectfully yours,
Darrin, Ed. in Chief - The Obama Report

Related news:

Rush Limbaugh's Statement to the Boston Herald

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