Fifty-eight percent (58%) [of Americans polled] believe the Obama administration’s recent release of CIA memos about the harsh interrogation methods used on terrorism suspects endangers the national security of the United States... 28% believe the release of the memos helps America’s image abroad...Read full report here.
Only 28% of U.S. voters think the Obama administration should do any further investigating of how the Bush administration treated terrorism suspects. Fifty-eight percent (58%) are opposed...
Forty-six percent (46%) of voters disagree with Obama’s decision to close the prison camp for terrorism suspects at the Guantanamo Naval Base in Cuba, while 36% agree with the president’s action. Support for the decision has fallen since the president announced it in January...
Forty-nine percent (49%) of voters now rate Obama as good or excellent on national security issues.
And from Jihad Watch via Jed Babbin, in Human Events:
White House lawyers are refusing to accept the findings of an inter-agency committee that the Uighur Chinese Muslims held at Guantanamo Bay are too dangerous to release inside the U.S., according to Pentagon sources familiar with the action.H/T Atlas Shrugs for all of the above.
This action -- coupled with the release of previously top secret legal opinions on harsh interrogation methods -- demonstrates the Obama administration’s willingness to ignore reality....
After Obama’s promise to close Gitmo, the White House ordered an inter-agency review of the status of all the detainees, apparently believing that many of those held would be quickly determined releasable. The committee -- comprised of all the national security agencies -- was tasked to start with what the Obama administration believed to be the easiest case: that of the seventeen Uighurs, Chinese Muslims who were captured at an al-Queda training camp....
Reviewing the Uighurs detention, the inter-agency panel found that they weren’t the ignorant, innocent goatherds the White House believed them to be. The committee determined they were too dangerous to release because they were members of the ETIM terrorist group, the “East Turkistan Islamic Movement,” and because their presence at the al-Qaeda training camp was no accident. There is now no ETIM terrorist cell in the United States: there will be one if these Uighurs are released into the United States....
And the Weekly Standard, in a March 26 article entitled "Welfare for Freed Gitmo Detainees?", reports that Obama's intelligence director, Dennis Blair - formerly the 'East Timor Massacre' abettor - said that the US may even offer some sort of assistance to the Uighurs after they are released inside the US.
Blair said the former prisoners would have [to] get some sort of assistance to start their new lives in the United States.He's right, putting terrorists out on the street, is not the kind of "change he can believe in"!
“We can't put them out on the street,” he said.
More on the Uighurs' terrorist connections here.
ReplyDeleteTo me, the release of this information is scandalous, an afront to this country and the men and women of the C.I.A. which are are heroes and who are trying to protect this country against those that would clearly harm us. Obama's decision to release this information proves to me that he cares NOT for this country, and does not seek for it's good, but the good of the radical leftists of the world who HATE America. President Obama is a DISGRACE to this country, in my opinionl.