Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Vote for Esam Omeish in 2009!

The Northern Virginiastan blogger was recently shocked upon learning that Dr. Esam Omeish, a fervent supporter of the Jihadist movement, is running for political office in the state of Virginia [for the 35th District of the House of Delegates].

Speaking at a demonstration against the Iraq war in March of 2007, Esam Omeish demanded that the White House withdraw US troops from Iraq. He then went on to say as follows:
"Muslims of the Washington Metropolitan area are here today in sub-freezing temperatures to tell our brothers and sisters... that you have learned the way, that you have known that the Jihad way is the way to liberate your lands and we by standing here today... we are telling them that we are with you...."
Front Page Magazine reported back in 2007 that Mr. Omeish runs the Muslim American Society, "which the FBI believes is the U.S. branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, a worldwide jihadist movement."
His [Omeish's] office is right next door to the old office of one of Al-Qaida's top fund raisers in America, Abdurahman Alamoudi, before he was jailed a few years ago...

Mohamed Omeish [Esam's brother] headed the U.S. branch of one of bin Laden's favorite Saudi charities, the International Islamic Relief Organization, which was raided after 9/11. Tax records I've obtained show Omeish shared an office with Alamoudi, the convicted al-Qaida-tied terrorist and godfather of the Muslim mafia in America. This is the same "moderate" Muslim leader who federal prosecutors caught on tape complaining bin Laden hadn't killed enough Americans.

It gets worse. Esam S. Omeish also sits on the board of the 9/11-tied mosque in Washington that helped the hijackers get licenses and housing, and whose imam prepared them for martyrdom operations in private closed-door sessions. Omeish personally hired the imam, Anwar Aulaqi, who fled the country on a Saudi jet about a year after 9/11 (the FBI now wants another crack at questioning him)...

What's more, the phone number to the mosque was found in the German apartment of Ramzi bin al-Shibh, roommate of 9/11 ringleader Mohamed Atta...Court records I've obtained show he [Esam Omeish] put his home up for bond collateral in 2004 to help spring from jail a terrorist suspect who was caught allegedly casing the Chesapeake bridge for attack...
Read more of Esam Omeish's profile at Front Page Magazine. - h/t - Pamela Geller.

However, in spite of both Pamela Geller's concerns and the aforementioned Front Page Magazine article, I would like to reassure the Northern Virginiastan blogger that he has absolutely nothing to worry about.

The reason being, that according to the FEC's records, Barack Obama received $250 in campaign contributions from Mr. Omeish in 2008.

Now, if Barack Obama was willing to accept a campaign contribution from Esam Omeish - despite the fact that Mr. Omeish had previously been forced to resign [in 2007] from former Governor Tim Kaine's Minorities commission after videos of him advocating Jihad were circulated on the Internet - well, then Mr. Omeish MUST be a "Good Samaritan"!

Bear in mind: Hillary Clinton recently confirmed to reporters that the Obama administration had dropped the phrase "war against terror" from its lexicon - ostensibly because the US is not, and can not be at war with terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda since terrorism is a legitimate response to [what Obama refered to, shortly after 9/11 as] the state of hopelessness and despair which terrorists are forced to live in. Thus, even if Mr. Omeish supports terrorism, he's still an outstanding and upright individual - and worthy of being a financial contributor to Barack Obama's presidential campaign.

Hence, if Barack Obama was willing to accept Esam Omeish's campaign contribution, then Mr. Omeish should certainly be deemed as an outstanding candidate by the people of Virginia, and the Northern Virginiastan blogger too! PERIOD!

Consequently, I would like to urge all Virginians who reside in the 35th District to vote for "Change" - and to vote for "Jihad"!

Vote for Esam Omeish in 2009!

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