Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Arab Diplomats to Obama: Stop being so Mild with Iran

From M & C:
'Iran and Syria are more powerful than before the (2003) invasion of Iraq,' Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told reporters in Damascus after meeting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday.

'It is time to evict the foreign presence, which has caused so many problems for the people, from the region,' Ahmadinejad said.
From the Guardian:
...U.S. overtures to Iran are raising concerns among its Arab allies like Egypt and Saudi Arabia, as well as Israel. They fear Iran is trying to spread its influence across the Middle East, with its support of Hamas, Hezbollah and other militant groups.

Arab diplomats who met in Cairo Tuesday with the State Department's new special envoy for the Persian Gulf, Dennis Ross, said they voiced those concerns.

"Some of what he heard was more than just grievances. They warned that Washington should be careful not to be so mild to Iran," said one diplomat who attended one of these encounters...

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul-Gheit expressed similar concerns on Monday.

"Iran's behavior in the region is negative in many aspects and does not help in advancing security, stability and peace," the state-run Middle East News Agency quoted Aboul Gheit as telling Ross...
I vehemently disagree with these sentiments! It is time for Obama to send another video message to the Iranian government! A warm personal greeting from the president is the most powerful weapon we have in our arsenal. Obama has the ability to melt even the most callous of hearts. That's why they call him the Messiah, right?

Okay, I'll admit, Iran is supplying lethal weaponry to the Taliban [in Afghanistan] and the insurgents in Iraq, but these threats are tiny compared to the threat once posed to us by the Soviet Union, right?

But hey, I think I've got a better idea!

Obama could produce one video per month, where he would address all the tyrants of the world and offer them his best wishes and warmest regards. The videos could then be sold on Netflix or the jihadist websites. As part of the president's outreach program, the Ahmadinejads of the world would receive a special discount on all his videos. The proceeds would go to the White House where the money would be used help fund the president's porkulus package.

It's a win-win situation for all! And who knows where these videos could lead to!

Maybe a movie career for Obama in the Middle East or Central Asia!

And I've even got a great title for Obama's next video:

"Obama administration drops "war on terror" from its lexicon."!

That one would be a huge seller on the jihadist websites, that's for sure!

No need for belligerence. A little bit of good will, a touch of marketing savvy, and all the world's problems will be solved!

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