Thursday, May 7, 2009

Gallup Poll: European Muslims Feel Far More Isolated than US Muslims

"We've got a unique opportunity to reboot America's image around the world and also in the Muslim world in particular."
Barack Obama in an interview with the LA Times and Chicago Tribune - Dec. 2008

From Reuters - May 7, 2009:
Muslims living in European countries feel far more isolated than those living in the United States, according to a survey on coexistence, with a lack of access to education and jobs reinforcing a sense of ostracism, according to the results of a recent Gallup poll...

Muslims in Europe are working hard to fit in and say it is important, but they are not always seen to be succeeding....

While 38 percent of Muslims in Germany, 35 percent of those in the United Kingdom and 29 percent of those in France were found to be "isolated" in their countries, that figure stood at just 15 percent in the United States and 20 percent in Canada...
"We've got a unique opportunity to reboot America's image around the world and also in the Muslim world in particular."

I think Barack Obama owes this country an apology. After all, Muslims seem to feel a lot more at home in the US than they do in other parts of the world, and undoubtedly, they are thankful for that. Perhaps, instead of maligning America while visiting abroad, the president should embark on another world tour and ask the Europeans to be more tolerant of their fellow citizens.

The president has "a unique opportunity to reboot America's image" - an image that is now in shambles as a result of his constant malignment of this country - if he would only stop besmirching the US and apologize to America for his slanderous remarks......

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