Monday, May 18, 2009

Obama: 'Freedom of Choice Act' is, and isn't, my Highest Legislative priority

During the presidential campaign - while addressing a Planned Parenthood conference - Barack Obama was asked: "What would you do at the federal level not only to ensure access to abortion, but to make sure that the judicial nominees that you will inevitably be able to pick are true to the core tenets of Roe v. Wade?"

Obama replied: ""Well, the first thing I'd do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act, that's the first thing I'd do!"

However, at a news conference on April 29 - in the midst of the firestorm surrounding the president's then-upcoming commencement speech at Notre Dame - Obama was asked: "Mr. President. In a couple of weeks, you're going to be giving the commencement at Notre Dame. And, as you know, this has caused a lot of controversy...

"As a candidate, you vowed that one of the very things you wanted to do was sign the Freedom of Choice Act, which, as you know, would eliminate federal, state and local restrictions on abortion.... Do you still hope that Congress quickly sends you the Freedom of Choice Act so you can sign it?"

Toward the end of his response, the president remarked: "The Freedom of Choice Act is not my highest legislative priority."

Bear in mind that this wasn't your typical Obama flip-flop. In this instance, the president was asked specifically about his statement to Planned Parenthood, namely, that the first thing he'd "do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act". And without blinking an eye, he brazenly contradicted himself and replied: "The Freedom of Choice Act is not my highest legislative priority."

No hesitation, no compunction, just political expedience..... at its worst.

With the Notre Dame controversy swirling around him and his soon-to-be-delivered commencement address awaiting him, the president responded in typical Obama fashion - being the master prevaricator that he is.

Nevertheless, pro-choicers have absolutely nothing to fear since the aforementioned flip-flop was nothing more than political expedience. The Freedom of Choice Act will soon be inscribed into law. For indeed, this piece of legislation is sacrosanct, and it is unquestionably, one of Obama's highest legislative priorities.....

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