Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ahmadinejad linked to 1989 Kurdish killings in Austria

Peter Pilz, the Austrian Green party's spokesman on security, recently accused Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of taking part in the July 12, 1989 assassinations of Mr. Abdul-Rahman Ghassemlou -- the Secretary- General of the Iranian Kurdish Democratic Party -- and two of his colleagues in Vienna, Austria.

"I have no doubt he was involved", said Pilz, adding that Ahmadinejad may have pulled the trigger on one of the guns used to kill the men:

Pilz said new eye-witnesses had come forward who had identified Ahmadinejad as being involved in the assassination of Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran chief Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou, his deputy Abdullah Ghaderi-Azar and Austria-born Fadel Rasoul on 13 July 1989.

He said a German weapons dealer had told Austrian investigators there had been a meeting in the Iranian embassy in Vienna during the first week of July 1989 at which a certain "Mohamed" who later became president of Iran had been present.The dealer said the purpose of the embassy meeting had been to discuss illegal arms deliveries.

Pilz claimed there had been two Iranian teams involved in the assassinations - a negotiations team and an execution team. Pilz said Ahmadinejad had been responsible for gathering and preparing the weapons used and had been a member of the execution team. Pilz said he had passed on documents on the case that had been translated into German to the interior ministry and the state prosecutor’s office.

Former Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr has also claimed Ahmadinejad had belonged to the execution team in Vienna, and a number of media reports implicated him in the murder of the three Kurds.

The Iranians suspected of having killed the Kurds took refuge in the Iranian embassy after the murders and were allowed to leave Austria after the Austrian government came under massive pressure from the Iranian government.

Austrian authorities, who maintain close economic ties with Iran, have never commented on whether Ahmadinejad was in Vienna at the time of Ghassemlou's assassination.

Incidentally, several former hostages of the 1979 US Embassy Crisis in Iran claimed that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had played a major role in their abduction.

Sadly, Ahmadinejad's challenger, Mir Hossein Mousavi, is not much of a saint either.

Mousavi began his political career as a hard-liner and a favorite of the revolution's architect, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

In an interview with the New York Times in 1981 Mousavi defended the taking of American hostages from the US Embassy in 1979, saying “it was the beginning of the second stage of our revolution, it was after this that we rediscovered our true Islamic identity."

As prime minister of Iran [1981-1989], Mousavi approved of Iran's effort to purchase nuclear technology from Pakistan.

Mousavi was also one of the founders of Hezbollah. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini put him on the Hezollah leadership council when the group was created in 1982-1983.

Mousavi coordinated the financing of Hezbollah and set up a scheme so that Hezbollah would get a share of Iranian oil sales.

Mousavi was also prime minister at the end of the Iran-Iraq war in 1988 when tens of thousands of political prisoners were murdered in cold blood on the orders of Ayatollah Khomeini.

Mr. Mousavi's heinous past is undoubtedly what prompted Pro-democracy groups to call on Iranians to boycott the recent elections, with one group saying, “this is a selection, not an election.”

Thus, the question arises: Which one of the two - Mr. Ahmadinejad or Mr. Mousavi - is the lesser of two evils?

Who knows. Both of these thugs have blood on their hands.

Nevertheless, President Obama has said that he'd be willing to meet with Mr. Ahmadinejad without preconditions [and undoubtedly, he'd be willing to meet with Mr. Mousavi too].

"I think that it is a disgrace that we have not spoken to [Mr. Ahmadinejad]," Obama lamented during the presidential campaign.

Obama also has insisted that he would not meddle in Iran's internal affairs - despite the recent deaths of scores of protesters at the hands of the Iranian regime - ostensibly, because prying into the regime's internal affairs would be even more disgraceful than not speaking with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.....

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