Monday, June 29, 2009

It is Time for Obama to Admit the Truth

Perhaps some of you were a bit skeptical upon reading a recent statement issued by Hezbollah Deputy Secretary, Sheikh Naim Qassem, indicating that the Obama administration had tried to reach out to Hezbollah. But I was not the least bit skeptical.

Clearly, President Obama has indicated a willingness in the past to talk with the Iranian regime and even to negotiate indirectly with Hamas. Obama unequivocally believes in the merit of talking with rogue regimes and their terrorist beneficiaries. He is, reluctant, though, to talk openly and directly with terrorist leaders until they've become part of an established government in the country in which they reside. Which is why he'll readily admit to reaching out to Iran, but won't admit that he has indirectly communicated with various terrorist organizations.

But several weeks ago, it was not yet clear who would win the elections in Lebanon. There was a strong possibility that Hezbollah could emerge with the majority of votes. Thus, prior to the elections, Obama, in all likelihood, communicated indirectly with Hezbollah, to pave the way for more direct negotiations in the event it would emerge victorious, and perhaps even without that stipulation, since Hezbollah is already officially part of the Lebanese government.

Obama's overtures to Hezbollah should come as no surprise to anyone who is familiar with his philosophy. In Obama's view, the terrorists are no different than anyone else, consequently, they can be cajoled into joining the civilized world by means of negotiation and by addressing their purported grievances.

For example, if the US were to guarantee the Mullocracy that it would not seek regime change in Iran, the Mullahs would no longer pursue their diabolical agenda of transforming the world into an extremist Islamic caliphate. That is the Obama doctrine in a nutshell. And that is why Obama and his minions have reached out, and may be still reaching out, to Hezbollah at this very moment.

There is only one exception to the president's madness: So far, Obama has shown no indication that he'd be willing to talk with Al Qaeda. Perhaps, because, unlike the other terrorist entities which he is so eager to cavort with, Obama perceives Al Qaeda as unbendable and unmalleable in its evil ideologies. Or, perhaps because Obama realizes that talking with Al Qaeda is the one line that even his Liberal constituents would never let him cross.

Nevertheless, as I've noted on several occasions, Al Qaeda and the Taliban have been, and are still intimately connected to the Iranian regime, the very regime which Obama has been cozying up to.

According to the 9/11 commission's findings:
Between eight and ten of the 14 "muscle" hijackers—that is, those involved in gaining control of the four 9/11 aircraft and subduing the crew and passengers—passed through Iran in the period from October 2000 to February 2001....

Iran had a history of allowing al-Qaeda members to enter and exit Iran across the Afghan border. This practice dated back to October 2000....

Iranian officials approached the al-Qaeda leadership after the bombing of the USS Cole and proposed a collaborative relationship in future attacks on the U.S....
And then, of course, there is the following caveat from the State Department's annual report on terrorism, released last month:
Iran’s IRGC Qods Force provided assistance to the Taliban in Afghanistan. The Qods Force provided training to the Taliban on small unit tactics, small arms, explosives, and indirect fire ammunition, rocket propelled grenades, mortar rounds, 107mm rockets, and plastic explosives....

Iran continues to rely primarily on its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force to clandestinely cultivate and support terrorist and Islamic militant groups abroad... The Qods Force continued to provide lethal support to select Iraqi militant groups that target U.S., Iraqi and Coalition forces. Iranian weapons transfers to select Taliban members in Afghanistan in 2008 continued to threaten Afghan and NATO troops operating under UN mandate and undermine stabilization efforts in that country....
And today there is more evidence coming out of Azerbaijan that Iran, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda are all intimately connected:
The Court of Grave Crimes has today held hearing on the case of Lebanese and Azerbaijani citizens, who are accused of having links to Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps of Iran (IRGC) and attempting to commit terror attacks in Azerbaijan, APA reports...

According to the indictment, leaders of Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah gave instructions to the citizens of Lebanon Karaki Ali Mahammad, Nejmeddin Ali Huseyn and sent them to Azerbaijan. They were ordered to commit terror attacks in Azerbaijan...
Thus, the question arises: When will Obama finally concede [to what George W. Bush had been trying to knock into his head the past 8 years] that Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime and other terrorist off-shoots are all intmately connected with one another and are all one and the same?

Sadly - knowing Obama - he probably never will concede!

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