Monday, June 15, 2009

Palau Negotiator intimates Money played a role in Uighurs deal

"Any independent thinking person will say (the Uighurs) will have an effect (on the compact review) [economic aid package from Washington] despite the fact that the politicians say it has nothing to do with it."
Joshua Koshiba, head of Palau's negotiating team with Washington - Monday, June 15.

The Obama administration recently negotiated a new economic aid package with Palau that could exceed $200 million.

US State Dept. officials and Palau President Johnson Toribiong, however, insist that the aid is not tied in any way to Palau's recent agreement to accept 4 Uighur detainees. But apparently, Mr. Koshiba thinks otherwise.

Mr. Koshiba, after all, is the head of Palau's negotiating team with Washington, so I assume he knows what he's talking about, despite what the politicians are saying.

Nevertheless, it's heartwarming to see the Obama administration and the former detainees working in tandem to craft a generous stimulus package for Palau. Obama is proving once again that he indeed is a global leader of the first order.

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