Friday, August 7, 2009

"Bipartisan" President tells Republicans: "Get out of the way" and "Don’t do a lot of talking"

With his poll numbers in steady decline and support for his health care initiative dwindling, the president - once hailed as the embodiment of "bipartisanship" and "unity" - lashed out at Republicans at a political rally on Thursday, in an effort to both bolster his failed economic policies and reclaim his former glory:
President Obama again used a campaign rally to lob some partisan firebombs in defense of his handling of the economy, challenging Republicans to quit complaining about a fiscal situation they helped create.

"I expect to be held responsible for these issues because I’m the president," he said. "But I don’t want the folks who created the mess doing a lot of talking. I want them to just get out of the way so we can clean up the mess."

Preaching to the choir at a rally for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds, he repeated: "I don’t mind cleaning up after them, but don’t do a lot of talking...."
And, despite all evidence to the contrary, Obama - the inimitable master of deception - proclaimed that without his economic policies, "we’d have an even higher deficit going forward".
"When I walked in, we had a $1.3 trillion deficit," Obama said within hours of the CBO announcing that the deficit had, in fact, reached $1.3 trillion. He claimed, actually, that "without my policies, we’d have an even higher deficit going forward," though he excepted the stimulus bill which he said "we had to do in order to get this economy moving again."...
Inimitable, indeed. Sigh......
The Deeds campaign estimated the crowd at the Hilton hotel here at 1,800, what might be the smallest crowd Obama has drawn for a political rally in a year.

Polls show not only Deeds trailing, but Obama slipping in the state he carried last fall. A Deeds spokesperson said that while tonight's rally could only help rally the base, Deeds needs to focus more on demonstrating he's a "Virginia Democrat" and not necessarily an "Obama Democrat."

The spokesperson denied that Deeds was distancing himself from the president, however...

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