Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Obama: Socialized Medicine will arrive in due time

Barack Obama and Democrats in congress are seeking to institute a single-payer health care system. However, since most Americans already have employer based health care insurance, the plan - for the time being - is to institute a public option, which will eventually clear the way for a single-payer system:

Here's Rep. Schakowsky's complete statement:

On May 6th, 2009, Rep. Peter Roskam questioned HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius during a Ways and Means Committee hearing about her views on a single-payer health care system in light of Rep. Jan Schakowsky's comments.

Sebelius insisted that the public option plan is not a prelude to a single-player system:

However, Sebelius was being a bit disingenuous, because, in reality, she shares Schakowsky's sentiment, as evidenced from the following video:

Rep. John Conyers believes the President was once a staunch supporter of a single-payer system:

And, CNS News is reporting that Mr. Conyers recently issued a similar statement at a National Press Club luncheon:
Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said that [President] Obama used to support a single-payer health care plan but flip-flopped on the issue because of the “Rahm Emanuel Factor.”..

“I can remember when Obama agreed with me,” said Conyers, referencing Obama’s past support of a single-payer health care system at a recent National Press Club luncheon.

In reference to why Obama changed his mind about single-payer, Conyers said: “I'm just guessing now, because we haven't talked about it, but he wants it because of the Rahm Emanuel factor..."

“And that’s the whole idea, is that he wants a bill," said Conyers. "He wants to win in the off-year elections. He [Emanuel] wants our president reelected the next time he comes up, and so do I. But I don't want anything that's stamped ‘reform’ and let it go at that.”...
Here's a video of Rahm Emanuel being confronted - on June 17 - about the President's flip-flop:

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