Thursday, September 17, 2009

ACORN May Cut Voter-Registration Work

From the Wall Street Journal:
Community-organizing group Acorn said Thursday it was considering quitting its voter-registration work amid a growing political storm over its activities, a move that could hurt Democrats at the polls...

Acorn spokesman Kevin Whelan said the group was now deciding whether to focus on such lower-profile election activities as persuading registered voters to head to the polls. Its stated mission has been to register low-income Americans to vote.

"If you do registration on a large scale, you open yourselves up to political attack...," Mr. Whelan said...
If, indeed, ACORN does decide to cease its voter-registration work, it could pose a serious threat to Barack Obama's 2012 Presidential campaign.

In 2008, ACORN volunteers worked tirelessly on behalf of Barack Obama to sign up voters who typically do not register on their own, voters like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and even members of the Dallas Cowboys' starting line up.

Ultimately, ACORN will have little choice but to continue its voter registration work. For without the votes of his core constituency, namely the fictitious characters of the world, Obama may find himself out of work in 2012....

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