Chicago pastor and former spiritual guide to President Obama, the Rev.Michael Pfleger - August 27, 2009
In an interview with the Chicago Sun-Times in 2004, Barack Obama identified Rev. Pfleger as a key source of spiritual guidance and as someone who helps him maintain his "moral compass":
"The biggest challenge, I think, is always maintaining your moral compass," Obama said.Pfleger was a member of the Catholics for Obama Committee, a voluntary advisory committee to the Obama campaign. Pfleger's endorsement of Obama was proudly displayed on the faith testimonials page of Obama's website during the presidential campaign:
Friends and advisers, such as the Rev. Michael Pfleger..., who has known Obama for the better part of 20 years, help him keep that compass set, he [Obama] says ...
Pfleger says of Obama. "Faith is key to his life, no question about it. It is central to who he is, and not just in his work in the political field, but as a man, as a black man, as a husband, as a father.... I don't think he could easily divorce his faith from who he is."
Rev. Pfleger - testimonial: "Obama is calling back those who have given up and lost hope in the political system... He has the intellect for the job and I haven't heard anyone since Robert F. Kennedy who is causing such an emotional and spiritual awakening to the political possibilities."Obama scrubbed Pfleger's testimonial from his website after Pfleger mocked then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during a sermon at Chicago's Trinity Church.
When will this f-ing dick head for the hills. A soul brotha wanna be stuck within the Catholic Magesterium, the guy is a TOTAL fraud who preaches "Black". Shame on thge Catholic whore church who is afraid to touch him because of the monery he grings in.