Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bart Stupak, just a typical, wishy-washy Democrat

You gotta wonder why someone who says he is opposed to any kind of healthcare legislation that would fund abortions and who purports to be such a staunch pro-lifer, is unwilling to go the full distance to defend his moral principals. Then again, this particular individual happens to be a Democrat - I guess that explains his half-baked brand of morality:

From The Foundry:
Earlier today, The Foundry wrote about Rep. Bart Stupak’s (D-Mich) claim that he and like-minded, pro-life Democrats will work with Republicans to “torpedo healthcare reform unless he gets a vote to strip abortion-related provisions out of the House bill,” as reported by The Hill.

That sounded like good news, but in an exclusive Foundry video of a town hall held in Cheboygan, Mich., on Saturday, it appears that Stupak intends to vote for the Democrats’ healthcare reform, even if it includes public funding for abortion.

"If everything I want [is] in the final bill, I like everything in the bill except you have public funding for abortion, and we had a chance to run our amendment and we lost. OK, I voted my conscience, stayed true to my principles, stayed true to the beliefs of this district, could I vote for healthcare? Yes I still could."
That's a real sensible statement. He voted his conscience, stayed true to his principles and to the beliefs of his district, but could he vote for a healthcare bill that would fund abortions? Yes, he still could.

However, in an interview on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal on Monday, Stupak said he and about 40 like-minded Democrats oppose public funding for abortion in health care:

"We believe, and the majority of the American people believe, that we should not be using public funds to pay for abortion coverage in health care."
It's a shame the unborn fetuses of the world never get a chance to vote their conscience....

Here's the aforementioned video. Note the jeering from Stupak's constituents:

Also see previous post: Obama prevaricates to Stupak about Abortion Funding in Health Care Bill

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