Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Gallup: Obama Suffers Worst 3rd Quarter Drop in Approval Since 1953

From Real Clear Politics:
Barack Obama has suffered the worst third quarter decline in his public approval rating of any elected president in the post-World War II era.

Obama's average quarterly approval rating has slipped from 62 percent in the second quarter to 52.9 percent in the third quarter, according to Gallup polling. That 9 percentage point decline is twice the amount of any other post-war elected president. Dwight Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan saw their standing decline 4 points between the two quarters. No other elected president has declined more than 4 points since 1953. The third quarter began July 20 and ended October 19....

More sobering for Obama, Gallup reports that Obama's latest quarterly average ranks 144th, or in the 44th percentile, for all post-war presidents during any quarter.
Read the full article

And, from Rasmussen Reports:
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 27% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13. That’s just a point above the lowest level ever recorded for this President. It’s also the sixth straight day in negative double digits, matching the longest such streak.

[Just 31% of voters believe that Congress has a good understanding of the health care proposal.]...


  1. Egypt clinic
    ايجيبت كلينك افضل مراكز التجميل التى تهتم بعملائها وتقدم خدماتها بعناية فائقه فخدماتنا تشمل شد ونحت وتخسيس الجسم وحقن البلازما لنضارة الوجه وازالة شعر الجسم بالليزر وزراعة الشعر.
    للاستفسار والتواصل:
