Sunday, November 8, 2009

George W. Bush Secretly Visits Fort Hood Victims

Former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura secretly visited Fort Hood Friday night and spent "considerable time" consoling those who were wounded in Thursday's shooting spree, Fox News reported on Saturday.

The Bushes entered and departed the sprawling military facility in secret, having told the base commander they did not want press coverage of their visit, a source told Fox News.
Meanwhile, President Obama has yet to visit the wounded...

Wonder what his excuse is
this time around.....

Update: On Friday, President Obama visited with soldiers wounded in Afghanistan at the Walter Reed Army Medical Centre. The White House said the visit was planned before the Fort Hood massacre.

The question, however, arises: Why didn't Obama visit the wounded at Fort Hood over the weekend?

Answer: On Saturday he was probably too busy selling his health care plan [on Capital Hill] and simply didn't have the time to worry about the health and welfare of the troops. And, late Saturday, the president had no choice but to retreat with his family to Camp David for an overnight excursion. And, on Sunday, lets see..., well, he was probably watching an important football game....

1 comment:

  1. "Wonder what his excuse is..."

    I'm just guessing but maybe he's busy trying to fix the mess G.W left behind?

