Saturday, November 21, 2009

Chris Matthews: Is Obama an Egghead?

Chris Matthews: - "President Obama has his chin out on just about every hot issue out there. Health care, terror trials... He’s exposed and vulnerable. His poll numbers are dropping. Is he just too darned intellectual? Too much the egg head?...

"Why did he pick Tim Geithner to be his economic front man? Why all this dithering over Afghanistan. And who thought it was a wonderful idea to bring the killers of 9/11 to New York City, the media capital of the world, so they could tell their story?

"Is Obama channeling Adlai Stevenson for heaven’s sake? I’m not attacking intellectuals because I do appreciate their contribution – but when politicians begin to get a little too intellectual, they lose connection with the American people.

"I look at Geithner, I don’t think he’s a great political spokesperson. I look at this decision to put the trial up in New York City. I look at releasing a mammogram report that says we can do better with less testing. And I begin to think this administration’s getting almost like one that you would imagine Adlai Stevenson running. Highly ethereal, highly intellectual, egg head. Not connected to real people and their emotional gut feelings about things...

"The mammogram - to tell women our doctors - our intellectuals have decided, based on data, that you don't have to have these tests -- everybody's been taught since birth, 'get tested!'...

"I worry about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. He is going to find himself an ACLU lawyer, not that there is anything wrong with that. I may want one. I like the fact we have them, and I like the ACLU. But if he gets himself a good civil liberties lawyer up there in New York, he's going to use that as a platform from hell, where he gets to spew his point of view on the Middle East, that kind of thing he is going to sell, with the beard and everything. The New York Post is going to be reborn with this guy as the enemy. I just worry that he is going to win this argument for months before he gets executed, if he does get executed, if that ever happens. I worry about this trial becoming a show for the bad guys..." -
Hardball - November 20, 2009

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