Monday, November 9, 2009

Obama: hard for Iran to make quick decisions

From Reuters:
An unsettled political situation in Iran may be complicating efforts to seal a nuclear fuel deal between Tehran and major world powers, President Barack Obama said on Monday.

Obama told Reuters in an interview that the United States had made more progress toward global nuclear non-proliferation in the last several months than in the past several years.

"But it is going to take time, and part of the challenge that we face is that neither North Korea nor Iran seem to be settled enough politically to make quick decisions on these issues," he said at the White House.
Yep, you read that correctly:

As long as the protesters continue to create havoc and political instability in Iran, Obama can not be faulted for his inability to reach an agreement with Tehran.

Unfortunately, the evil protesters are not only meddling in Iran's internal affairs, they are also impeding Obama's efforts to make peace with the Mullahs.

The following is an excerpt from the Reuters interview:
QUESTION: I'd like to ask about Iran and North Korea. You won the Nobel Prize for your nuclear disarmament efforts but don't seem to be making a lot of progress on either. And one of the stumbling blocks seems to be China, in both cases. Can you convince the Chinese to get tougher? And if you can't, do you really expect progress anytime soon?

OBAMA: Well, first of all, I think it's very important to say that if by lack of progress you're suggesting we have not already eliminated nuclear weapons from the face of the earth in the first nine months of my administration, then that's true.

QUESTION: Come on, you've won the Nobel Prize. Surely, by now ...

QUESTION: What's taking so long?

OBAMA: ... I would strongly argue that we have made more progress on this issue over the last several months than we've seen in the last several years. But it is going to take time. And part of the challenge that we face is, is that neither North Korea nor Iran seem to be settled enough politically to make quick decisions on these issues...
Indeed, Iran would gladly give up its nuclear ambitions, if only those protesters would just go away....

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