Monday, December 14, 2009

CIA eyes new threat: Climate Change

Just in case you thought the Obama administration was incapable of confronting modern-day, 21st century threats, here's a little piece of news that may put your mind at ease. Ahem:
Global warming is now officially considered a threat to U.S. national security.

For the first time, Pentagon planners in 2010 will include climate change among the security threats identified in the Quadrennial Defense Review, the Congress-mandated report that updates Pentagon priorities every four years.

The reference to climate change follows the establishment in October of a new Center for the Study of Climate Change at the Central Intelligence Agency...

The drafters of the Quadrennial Defense Review were instructed by Congress to accept the assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the international body established by the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization to gather and report world climate data...

Analysts at the National Intelligence Council are trying to develop a set of early warning signs that could suggest where the next famine might arise or which countries are in most danger of being destabilized as a result of dramatic climate changes...."
Finally, after 8 years of dithering by the previous administration, we have a president who is willing to take on America's real enemy: The Weather Insurgency.....

1 comment:

  1. It makes sense to do this, but it makes no sense at all to do it based on IPCC information.
