Sunday, December 27, 2009

Obama orders probe into his politically correct and inept policies

President Obama, whose politically-correct policies enabled Nidal Hussein to continue to work as an army Psychiatrist at Fort Hood despite all the red flags that should have been raised about him and whose self-destructive policies also enabled a Nigerian terrorist to obtain a US visa and to avoid being placed on a T.S.D.B no-fly list, has now ordered a probe into how the Nigerian terrorist managed to board a Northwest airline flight on Friday.

But of course, this [laughable] gesture is disingenuous at best. For indeed, just several weeks ago, shortly after Obama had ordered a probe into the events that led to the Fort Hood massacre, Louay Safi, a radical Islamic official was invited to address the troops at Fort Hood.

In a 2003 publication, "Peace and the Limits of War," Safi wrote, "The war against the apostates [non-believers of Islam] is carried out not to force them to accept Islam, but to enforce the Islamic law and maintain order."...Mr. Safi also wrote that "it is up to the Muslim leadership to assess the situation and weigh the circumstances as well as the capacity of the Muslim community before deciding the appropriate type of jihad..."

Others, citing the following tidbit from the Washington Post, have also noted how Obama, last month, "stonewalled" the Fort Hood investigation, [even though he himself had disingenuously ordered a probe into the massacre]:

The first public congressional hearing on the Fort Hood attack will not include testimony from any current federal law enforcement, military or intelligence officials because the Obama administration “declined to provide any” such witnesses, according to a Senate committee source. {Although, one can argue that Obama was simply trying to protect the very people assigned to execute his inept policies and who may or may not share his politically correct sentiments.}
Clearly, Mr. Obama is incapable of defending the US against the threat of terror because he believes that waging a war against terror is akin to waging a war against Islam. Consequently, in a memo sent from the Defense Department's office of security to Pentagon staffers several months ago, members were told, "this administration prefers to avoid using the term 'Long War' or 'Global War on Terror'. Please use 'Overseas Contingency Operation'."

As long as Obama refuses to acknowledge the threat of radical Islam and its offspring: terrorism - the US will continue to remain in dire straits.

Sad, but true, nevertheless....

Update: Newport couple: A passenger on Northwest flight 253 had a bomb inside his carry-on bag