Monday, December 28, 2009

Passenger Reportedly Taped Terror Attack

Patricia and Charlie Keepman from Oconomowoc, Wisconsin were sitting about 20 rows behind Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian man who tried to bomb Northwest Airline flight 253 on Christmas Day:

They said another passenger sitting in front of them had videotaped the moment Abdulmutallab set fire to explosives that authorities believe were sewn into his underwear.

"This person actually was videotaping it," Mr Keepman said.

Mrs Keepman told 620WTMJ's "Wisconsin's Morning News: "He sat up and videotaped the entire thing, very calmly."

"We do know that the FBI is looking for him intensely," she said. "Since then, we've heard nothing about it."
As I noted previously, a passenger on flight 253 [Kurt Haskell, from Newport MI] claims he saw an Indian man trying to get Mr. Abdulmutallab on board the plane without a passport. Haskell also reported that after the flight had landed, the FBI arrested a different Indian man after a bomb sniffing dog detected a bomb in his carry on bag.

Question: Is the Obama administration engaging in damage control by concealing the facts? Hopefully, we'll find out in due time.

Update: Mrs. Keepman says that the man was videotaping from "the very beginning of the airplane ride."

Keepman interview - AUDIO

Update: Kurt Haskell tells Fox News about the airline passenger who may have had a bomb inside his carry-on bag

Latest Update: AbdulMutallab's passport surfaces