Sunday, January 17, 2010

Billy Miller vs Hasan, Mutallab and Kevin Jennings

Whether it involves protecting the US homeland from terrorist attacks or shielding American school children from despicable perverts, the Obama administration seems unable to connect the dots, or to be more precise, it has no interest in connecting the dots. For Obama would rather pursue his politically correct agenda and morally corrupt policies than keep this nation safe from the likes of Nidal Hasan, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and Kevin Jennings, the White House Safe School Czar and renowned porn connoisseur. Conversely, when it comes to court martialing and maligning a US soldier, the Obama administration is incredibly adept at connecting the dots, albeit, spurious dots:

The family of an Illinois National Guard soldier said Friday that he's been charged with possession of child pornography in Afghanistan over innocent snapshots of a 4-year-old relative in a swimsuit.

The U.S. Army has charged Spec. Billy Miller of Galesburg, Ill., with possession of child pornography....

Army spokesman Lt. Mary J. Pekas... said the charge is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Miller's unit returned to Illinois in August, according to the National Guard, but the Army said he remains in Afghanistan, awaiting the end of his case and possible court martial...

The pictures show the girl in a swimsuit playing in a pool and sitting on Billy Miler's pickup truck, according to the family.

The Millers say their son became close to the little girl after she was diagnosed with a serious illness while her own father was away for military training. The pictures were taken by Terri Miller and the girl's mother at the girl's birthday party last summer, Rodney Miller said.

The Army said any legal proceedings will happen in Afghanistan, but Rodney Miller hopes for some way to have his son tried in the United States if it comes to that.
Anyone from his National Guard unit who can testify on his behalf isn't in Afghanistan, Miller said.

"If they court martial him in Afghanistan, he will be absolutely on his own," he said.

Apparently, the Obama administration believes that only pitiful and misguided terrorists - like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - deserve to be tried in the US. Billy Miller, however, does not fit that profile. He is nothing more than a spoiled and overindulged US soldier, and thus, it is indeed befitting that the witch-trial of this innocent and maligned individual be held abroad.

Meanwhile, while the President faithfully fulfills his duty as Commander-in-Chief by ensuring that our soldiers be protected from the likes of Billy Miller, we can rest assured knowing that he has appointed Kevin Jennings as his Safe School Czar to safeguard our school children from the likes of Kevin Jennings.........

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