Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Chairman Obama! We want our money back!

President Obama says that he's determined to "punish" Wall Street executives and "fat-cat" bankers for allegedly hoarding taxpayer dollars. "We're not going to let Wall Street take the money and run," he proclaimed in his weekly radio address. Ironically, however, it is the President and Congressional Democrats who misused taxpayer dollars when they crafted their $787 billion Porkulus package [which has now been tagged at $862 billion].

Most of the Porkulus money went to special interest groups and had very little to do with stimulating the economy. The purported stimulus package was nothing more than a brazen act of thievery by the President and Democratic lawmakers who misappropriated taxpayer dollars for their own political gain.

In truth, it is Obama and his socialist cronies who are the real thieves. For it is they who have robbed Americans of their hard earned tax dollars, who have squandered the money and redistributed it to their constituents in order to satisfy their own political greed and aspirations! Indeed, the real extortionists and thieves reside, not on Wall Street, but on Capitol Hill and in the Oval Office.

Chairman Obama recently proclaimed, "we want our money back, and we're going to get it." I couldn't agree with him more. We do want our money back - all of the $787 billion in Porkulus funds that he squandered - but I know we are not going to get it! What's more, our Commander in Thief said tonight that he's planning on crafting a brand new stimulus - aka, thievery - package. Good grief!

The banks have already payed back most of the bailout money that they received, with interest. Obama, on the other hand, hasn't payed us back a dime - of the taxpayer-funded, Porkulus package. And now he's coming back for more.

Good grief!


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