Monday, January 11, 2010

Obama willing to bring terrorist detainees to the US, but not if it will benefit a few Navy Seals

The Obama administration insists on bringing terrorist detainees to the US when it can benefit the detainees and harm US interests, but when it can help out a few Navy Seals wrongly accused of mistreating a terrorist, forget about it!:
The trial of one of three Navy SEALs accused of mistreating an Iraqi detainee has been moved to Iraq.

A military judge on Monday set the court-martial of Petty Officer 2nd Class Jonathan Keefe for April 6 at Camp Victory, site of the alleged abuse. Prosecutors said they would not bring the detainee to Norfolk to testify. The judge ruled Keefe has the right to face his accuser.
Here's what Neal Puckett, an attorney representing one of the Navy Seals, told Fox News in November:
“I don’t know how they’re going to bring this detainee to the United States and give us our constitutional right to confrontation in the courtroom,” Puckett said. “But again, we have terrorists getting their constitutional rights in New York City, but I suspect that they’re going to deny these SEALs their right to confrontation in a military courtroom in Virginia.”
But apparently, the aforementioned military judge had the good sense to send the trial to Iraq to allow defense attorneys to question the terrorist. Barack Obama and Eric Holder may not be happy with the judge's decision, but the Obama administration should not be allowed to pursue a double standard that would would benefit the terrorists and destroy the lives of those who protect this country from the terrorists.

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