Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Climate.Gov, hiding the ice?

The President launched a new government website on Monday called Climate.gov, hoping to prove once and for all that Global Warming is a reality, and not a myth, despite the fact that Climate Change scientists have been 'hiding the decline' for years and that the IPOCC's integrity has been strongly discredited.

Nevertheless, it didn't take too long for skeptics to realize that the con artists at Climate.gov had intentionally omitted some of the sea ice data:
The sea ice data, cited from NSIDC, stops in 2007. 2008 and 2009 sea ice data and imagery, available to even the simplest of curiosity seekers at the publicly available NSIDC or even Cryosphere Today websites, is not included in the graphic. Mr. Scott chooses... 2007 as the endpoint for comparison. This leaves a reader who is “not in the know”, with the false impression that sea ice has not recovered in any way...

There’s no excuse for NOAA not showing the 2008 and 2009 sea ice data or imagery in this story. None, zilch, zero, zip, nada.

Suffice it to say, this piece on climate.gov is propaganda with a lie of omission. It is not science because it omits a portion of the data that disagrees with the article’s premise...

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