Sunday, February 21, 2010

Obama appeases Las Vegas business leaders, and then milks them

From the Union Leader:
A few weeks ago, President Obama delivered one of his regular scoldings to the American people, saying we shouldn't blow a bunch of money in Vegas if we're trying to save for college. Then last week, the President went to Las Vegas, where he held a fundraiser at the home of George Maloof, who made his fortune from people blowing their money in Vegas. Maloof is owner of the Palms Casino and Resort.

Good thing for the Democrats that people didn't take Obama's advice. The price for the fundraiser was $30,000 a head, and it reportedly raised about $1 million for the Democratic National Committee...
That explains Obama's sudden conciliatory tone toward the city of Las Vegas.

After warning business leaders last year not to take trips to Las Vegas "on the taxpayer’s dime" and after telling an audience in Nashua, N.H several weeks ago that "you don't blow a bunch of cash in Vegas when you're trying to save for college," the President - last week - extended an invitation to the Mayor of Las Vegas to meet with him during his visit to the city, despite the fact that the President himself, had turned down an invitation to meet with both the Governor of Nevada and Nevadan business leaders last year.

It would also explain why the President, last week, finally decided to meet with Nevadan business leaders and why - during the aforementioned meeting - he expressed a new-founded love for the city: “Let me set the record straight," he said, "I love Vegas, always have. Love Vegas. Enjoy myself every time I’ve got an opportunity to visit.”

Clearly, the President realized he would need to appease Las Vegas' business tycoons if he was going to milk them at $30,000 a head.

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