Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Reuters Withdraws "Backdoor Taxes to Hit Middle Class" Story After Contacted by White House

From Habledash:
Reuters published a story titled "Backdoor Taxes to Hit Middle Class" late afternoon on Monday; however, shortly thereafter retracted the story and removed it from its website. The White House had contacted the news service to point out "significant errors" that were made in the story, which ultimately led to removing the story. Initially promising an update, Reuter's will not be writing a substitute story. The article addresses the expiration of the Bush tax cuts and how they will end up hurting the middle class, which they will....

This sounds like another case of the Obama administration controlling what information should and shouldn't be released. We'll see how Robert "Goebbels" Gibbs handles the Q and A on this topic....
Read the full post:

The original Reuters' piece, as of this moment, can still be read here.

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