Monday, February 22, 2010

Scott Brown joins Dems and votes to move jobs bill forward - UPDATE: Did Sen. Brown capitulate to Liberal group's TV ad?

From The Hill:

Newly-seated Republican Sen. Scott Brown (Mass.) on Monday joined Democrats in voting to move forward on their $15 billion jobs bill...

Democrats needed to poach Brown and and least one other Republican to reach the 60 votes necessary. Centrist Republican Sens. Susan Collins (Maine) and Olympia Snowe (Maine) also voted for cloture on the proposal.
From My News:

Passage of the bill had been in doubt after [Sen. Harry] Reid angered many lawmakers by scuppering a larger bipartisan package that was agreed to by leading Democrats and Republicans. Instead, he proposed a more incremental approach and promised that other elements of the bipartisan bill will be taken up at a later date. But his move prompted most conservatives to oppose the smaller package.
Update: From The Hill:

A liberal group went on the offensive against new Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) on Monday, seeking to pressure him into supporting a jobs bill before the Senate.

Americans United for Change released a television ad in the Boston area this morning featuring clips of Brown stressing his independence, saying that the newly-sworn-in senator should keep that promise by independence by voting for the $15 billion jobs bill facing a procedural vote today.

The ad follows a formula that many groups may pursue against Brown over the next two years, until he has to seek reelection in 2012.
Read the rest

Question: Did Scott Brown capitulate on the jobs bill because of the television ad?

Watch the television ad here

Related Post: Is the Scott Brown Euphoria a little premature?

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