Tuesday, March 9, 2010

CBS poll: Obama flunks 1st year - 63% give him an 'F'; 25%, a 'D'

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey in December of last year, President Obama was asked what grade he would give himself for his first year in office. The President replied: "A good, solid B+."

However, while Obama may think highly of his own job performance, the American people strongly disagree with his assessment. 6 in 10 give him an 'F' and another 25% grade him with a 'D', according to a CBS online poll:
An unscientific poll evaluating President Obama's first year in office that is being run by CBS News gives him – by an overwhelming margin – a failing grade.

The poll, which has been online for several weeks and has attracted thousands of comments, reveals that not even 3 percent of the respondents grade Obama with an "A," barely another 3 percent give him a "B" and about 4 percent give him a "C."

Almost 26 percent give him a "D" and more than 63 percent him an "F."

Said one person on the poll's comments section: "Obama may be a Harvard Law School graduate, but when it comes to common sense, he must of skipped that class, or failed it miserably..."


Fewer than 6 in 10 gave him an "A" or a "B" on the economy. Seventy percent gave him an "F" and other 18 percent a "D." On foreign policy, more than 84 percent gave him a "D" or "F" and only 3.9 percent gave him an "A."

On Obama's proclaimed No. 1 priority, health care, nearly 82 percent graded him with an "F" and nearly another 10 percent handed out a "D." Only 2.6 percent gave him an "A."...
Read the entire article here.

[Ed. Note: You will not see the CBS poll results until you actually grade the President's job performance and submit your response.]

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