Monday, March 8, 2010

Dutch reporter exposes security loopholes on U.S.-bound jet

Earlier today, I reported via CNS News that the TSA will continue to use only a small portion of its terror watch list to screen airline passengers. It's comforting to know that Obama is still using Policial Correctness as his primary counterterrorism tool. But here's some more comforting news that is certain to assuage your fear of flying in the post 9/11/Abdulmutallab era:
A Dutch reporter said he sneaked liquid onto flights to the United States from the Netherlands, demonstrating gaps in security on international flights.

In a Dutch television program aired Sunday, reporter Alberto Stegeman said he and two others smuggled bottled water on flights from Amsterdam's Schiphol International Airport to London's Heathrow International Airport and onto Dulles International Airport in Washington...

The bottles could have held liquid explosives, yet he managed to get them aboard easily, Stegeman said.

"It is still possible to bring a bomb on the airplane into the United States from Schiphol," he said.

On Christmas Day, accused Nigerian terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tried to detonate a liquid explosive attached to his underwear while on board Delta Flight 253 as it was landing in Detroit. Within days, new security measures were implemented at international airports, including pat-downs of passengers and manual checks of carry-on items. The plane carrying Abdulmutallab originated in Amsterdam.
Feel better now?

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