Monday, April 26, 2010

The Club-K Container Missile System, Obama successfully resets US-Russian relations

[Ed. Note: You can read Part 2, here]

"Less than two years ago, in the wake of the Russian-Georgia war, many of us here today worried about the very real danger of a steady adversarial drift between Washington and Moscow... Today, the difference in outlook is striking. Promising a "fresh start," President Obama and President Medvedev set the tone for a new relationship!"
Daniel A. Russell, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, addressing the World Russia Forum - April 26, 2010

From the New York Times - April 26, 2010:
A Russian company is marketing a devastating new cruise missile system which can be hidden inside a shipping container, giving any merchant vessel the capability to wipe out an aircraft carrier.

Potential customers for the formidable Club-K system include Kremlin allies Iran and Venezuela, say defense experts. They worry that countries could pass on the satellite-guided missiles, which are very hard to detect, to terrorist groups.

"At a stroke, the Club-K gives a long-range precision strike capability to ordinary vehicles that can be moved to almost any place on earth without attracting attention," said Robert Hewson of Jane's Defense Weekly, who first disclosed its existence...

"The idea that you can hide a missile system in a box and drive it around without anyone knowing is pretty new," said Hewson, who is editor of Jane's Air-Launched Weapons. "Nobody's ever done that before."...

"Unless sales are very tightly controlled," he said, "there is a danger that it could end up in the wrong hands."...

Russia is one of the world's top arms exporters, selling a record $8.5 billion of weapons last year to countries ranging from Syria and Venezuela to Algeria and China. Its order book is estimated to top $40 billion.

"Potential clients [of the Club-K] include anyone who likes the idea," said [Mikhail Barabanov, a defense expert at Russia's Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies]. "It is known that the United Arab Emirates has shown interest in buying the Club."...

"It's a carrier-killer," said Hewson of Jane's. "If you are hit by one or two of them, the kinetic impact is's horrendous."
From the Telegraph UK:
Iran and Venezuela have already shown an interest in the Club-K Container Missile System which could allow them to carry out pre-emptive strikes from behind an enemy's missile defences.

Defence experts say the system is designed to be concealed as a standard 40ft shipping container that cannot be identified until it is activated.

Priced at an estimated £10 million, each container is fitted with four cruise anti-ship or land attack missiles. The system represents an affordable "strategic level weapon".

Some experts believe that if Iraq had the Club-K system in 2003 it would have made it impossible for America to invade with any container ship in the Gulf a potential threat. Club-K is being marketed at the Defence Services Asia exhibition in Malaysia this week.

Novator, the manufacturer, is an advanced missile specialist that would not have marketed the system without Moscow's approval. It has released an emotive marketing film complete with dramatic background music.

It shows Club-K containers stowed on ships, trucks and trains as a neighbouring country prepares to invade with American style military equipment.

The enemy force is wiped out by the cruise missile counter attack.

Russia has already prompted concern in Washington by selling Iran the sophisticated S-300 anti-aircraft missile system that would make targeting of Iranian nuclear facilities very difficult. [Ed. Note: Debka points out that the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system is manufactured by Novator, the same company that is producing the Club-K system]

"This Club-K is game changing with the ability to wipe out an aircraft carrier 200 miles away. The threat is immense in that no one can tell how far deployed your missiles could be," said Robert Hewson, editor of Jane's Air-Launched Weapons, who first reported on the Club-K developments.

"What alerted me to this was that the Russians were advertising it at specific international defence event and they have marketed it very squarely at anyone under threat of action from the US."

Reuben Johnson, a Pentagon defence consultant, said the system would be a "real maritime fear for anyone with a waterfront".

"This is ballistic missile proliferation on a scale we have not seen before because now you cannot readily identify what's being used as a launcher because it's very carefully disguised.

"Someone could sail off your shore looking innocuous then the next minute big explosions are going off at your military installations."
Putin and Medvedev are attempting to offset the United States' military advantage in an effort to weaken the U.S., so that Russia can not only reclaim its former glory as a world superpower, but become the dominant superpower in the world. Undoubtedly, this is why the Russians are assisting Iran with its nuclear program and why they're supplying Iran and its ilk with highly sophisticated and advanced weaponry. Obama, in all likelihood, agrees with the Russians, because he strongly ascribes to the notion that all nations must be equal militarily and that the U.S. has no right to retain its military supremacy.

Ah yes, Obama is 'resetting US-Russian relations!' His diplomatic prowess is clearly unmatched by any of the previous US Presidents!

"Hope" & "Change" at last! How refreshing, indeed!

Video of the Club-K Container Missile System below:

Also read the latest post: The Club-K Container Missile System and the Russian propaganda machine [Part 2]

Related News: 'Al-Hayat': Russia Supplied Syria With S-300 Missiles


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