Monday, April 12, 2010

How should Obama respond to Ahmadinejad's 9/11 tirade?

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has written to UN chief Ban Ki-moon, asking him to launch an investigation into the 9/11 attacks, the AFP reported on Monday:

"The minimum expectation from your excellency is to set up an independent and trusted fact-finding group to comprehensively investigate the real factors behind September 11," Ahmadinejad said in the text of the letter...

The hardliner, who in March dismissed 9/11 as a "big lie," said in the letter that the attacks "were the main pretext for attacks" by NATO on Afghanistan and Iraq.

Several times Ahmadinejad has questioned the accepted version of the Al-Qaeda strikes on New York and Washington which killed nearly 3,000 people.
Last Month, Iranian state TV quoted Ahmadinejad as saying that "September 11 was a big lie and a pretext for the war on terror and a prelude to invading Afghanistan." He went on to call the attacks a "complicated intelligence scenario and act."

Clearly, Mr. Ahmadinejad is an avowed 9/11 'truther', hence, he is requesting that the UN launch an investigation into the 9/11 attacks.

The question arises: How should President Obama respond to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's ridiculous allegations?

Answer: He should send him a copy of a letter he wrote to a 9/11 'truther' in February of 2007, in which he opined as follows:

Dear Penny,

Thank you for contacting me regarding your belief that the US government was complicit in the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. I appreciate hearing your passionate views on this matter.

While I do not believe the US government was complicit in the attacks, I do think it should be held accountable for the unacceptable mistakes it made in the run-up to that terrible day. The blunders that occurred prior to the 2001 attacks were inexcusable and often outrageous. The series of clear warnings about the potential use of hijacked planes as weapons is just one example of why the “surprise” of 9/11 should have been anticipated. In my view, proof of government complicity is not necessary when making the argument that the US should accept some responsibility for what happened on 9/11.

Thank you again for writing.

Sincerely, Barack Obama
The aforementioned letter may not satisfy Ahmadinejad completely, but he will, nevertheless, find some consolation in learning that both he and Obama concur that the US is, at least, partly responsibile for what happened on 9/11.

As Obama so eloquently stated in the letter: "Proof of government complicity IS NOT NECESSARY when making the argument that the US should accept some responsibility for what happened on 9/11."

Pearls of wisdom, indeed, from our revered President.

In a related development, Vice-Chairman of the Iranian Parliament on foreign policy and security, Ismael Kousari, said Monday that the US and western countries should remain committed to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and destroy all their nuclear weapons, the Iranian News Agency reported on Monday.

Mr. Kousari was also quoted as saying that President Obama’s "allegations" [regarding Iran and its nuclear ambitions] have no sign of war or conflicts, adding that they [Obama & Company] will swiftly withdraw from their stands as they know that Iran is determined to vindicate its legitimate rights.

They know that they are too weak to confront Iran, he pointed out.

[Mr. Kousari also stated that the US had sent a message to Iran calling for permission ["PRETTY PLEASE"] for their warships and naval fleets to sail in the Persian Gulf region.]

Related News: Four Yemenis on trial for spying for Iran and plotting attacks against security installations on behalf of Iran

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