Sunday, June 13, 2010

Is Tony Hayward more heinous than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

US Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen Sunday announced that President Obama has finally agreed to meet with BP's CEO Tony Hayward. The meeting will take place on Wednesday - 57 days after a BP oil rig exploded and started leaking into the Gulf of Mexico.

In an interview with the TODAY show last week, President Obama offered up a lame excuse as to why he had refused to speak with Mr. Hayward [even over the phone, apparently]. And yet, during the Presidential campaign - Mr. Obama said he'd be willing to meet with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, without any preconditions.

Which begs the question: Why did President Obama, ever so eagerly, offer to meet, in person, with Mr. Ahmadinejad, and yet refuse to speak with Mr. Hayward [even over the phone]? Does Obama feel more comfortable, and more at ease, in Mr. Ahmadinejad's presence than he does communicating with Mr, Hayward, via the telephone?

Hmmm, a real head-scratcher, indeed.......

Related Post: BP CEO, Tony Hayward: Obama hasn't spoken to me about the Oil Spill disaster

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