Tuesday, June 7, 2011

On College Campuses, Obama's Not Cool Anymore

From the Daily Mail:
President Obama's support among young people is rapidly waning, a poll has found...

Students are abandoning the President because they do not think he is cool anymore, it has been claimed...

His approval rating among those aged 18 to 29 is currently at 56 per cent - a huge fall of ten points since the 2008 exit polls.

The reason for this sudden drop is because students, who rushed behind the Obama campaign in 2008, no longer think he is cool, according to those at Oberlin College, which is known for its hipster left-wing activism.

Four undergraduate editors at the Oberlin college newspaper signed an essay bemoaning how apolitical their peers had become..

Their argument in their piece, 'Oberlin-based Perspectives on the Obama Presidency', was that students had become disenfranchised because they no longer think the President is cool.

The problem is that the real Obama could never live up to the pre-office idea of him, with all his quirks now seen as grating, a political science professor explained...

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