Friday, June 17, 2011

Penatgon urges Obama to hold off troop withdrawal until Fall 2012 - just in time for the Presidential election

From the Wall Street Journal:
The military is asking President Barack Obama to hold off on ending the Afghanistan troop surge until the fall of 2012, in a proposal that would keep a large portion of the 33,000 extra forces in the country through the next two warm-weather fighting seasons.

The military seeks to avoid a scenario in which large numbers of troops are pulled out during the heaviest period of militant activity next year, just as it hopes to be focusing on the violent eastern provinces bordering Pakistan.

The plan would also allow Mr. Obama to offer a war-weary electorate a substantial troop withdrawal around the same time he is asking for another four years in office...

Military and administration officials say it is unclear whether Mr. Obama will go along with the recommendation... Mr. Obama has called for a significant withdrawal in July...

Military leaders have been wary of publicly voicing their drawdown recommendations for fear of antagonizing White House officials, some of whom have accused commanders of trying to box in the president on earlier troop decisions.

But Mr. Gates, in his final month as defense secretary, has made clear his preference for a slow drawdown, a view shared by many commanders in the field. In private talks with lawmakers and other officials in recent weeks, Mr. Gates and Gen. Petraeus said they favored maintaining as much combat power in Afghanistan as possible through the 2012 fighting season...

While Mr. Gates and other military leaders favor a slow-paced drawdown, others close to the president, including Vice President Joe Biden, have advocated moving forces out more quickly....

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