Thursday, September 1, 2011

Obama Speech - Is the GOP debate less important than an ordinary television show?

Newsmax reported:
After a Republican outcry Wednesday against the White House's Sept. 7 choice for [President] Obama's televised address to a joint session of Congress, Obama moved it back a night. The original date had put it head to head with the televised Republican presidential debate at the Reagan Library in California.
In 2010, President Obama considered moving the date of his State of the Union address to February 2 in the hope that his health care reform bill would pass both chambers of congress by then and that he'd be able to flaunt the passage of the bill during his primetime address to the nation.

However, had the State of the Union address been pushed to February 2, ABC would have had to reschedule the premiere of the final season of the popular Lost TV series - which was scheduled to be aired on February 2.

Hence, then-White House Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs reassured the American people that the scheduling of the President's speech would not preempt the Lost season premiere.

From CNN's Marquee blog:
“Lost” watchers, all is right with the world again: President Obama will not interrupt the long-awaited episode by giving a national address the same night.

Fear gripped the hearts of fans when it was announced that the president wanted to push back the annual State of the Union address – typically held in late January – to February 2, which everyone should know by now is the premiere of the ABC drama’s final season....

But White House press secretary Robert Gibbs assured viewers Friday he “doesn’t foresee a scenario in which millions of people that hope to finally get some conclusion [with] ‘Lost’ are preempted by the president..."

The time slot for “Lost” may be secured, but still no word on what day the president will deliver the State of the Union.
The President, ultimately, delivered the State of the Union address in January.

However, the question arises: Is the GOP debate less important than an ordinary television show?


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