Monday, October 3, 2011

Karzai wants to end Taliban peace talks

The White House seems hell-bent on trying to reach an unattainable peace pact with the Taliban - as part of its exit strategy in Afghanistan, in the hope that this would boost Barack Obama's chances of winning the 2012 Presidential election. However, much to the dismay of White House, Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, seems to have reached the conclusion that peace negotiations with the Taliban is, in essence, one big big joke:
The Pentagon was walking carefully Monday around the latest apparent rift with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai about talking peace with the Taliban.

"We still believe reconciliation is a critical part of this process," Pentagon spokesman Capt. John Kirby said. "I don't want to get in President Karzai's head here and try to decipher what he meant or exactly what he said."

Karzai seemed to suggest in recent news reports that he wants to pull the plug on peace initiatives with the Taliban and turn attention instead toward [conducting a dialogue with] Pakistan, especially since the man he put in charge of establishing links with the Taliban was assassinated last month. High Peace Council Chairman Burhanuddin Rabbani was killed in a suicide bombing attack by people he believed might be willing to talk peace.
However, while Mr. Karzai would like to pull the plug on the farcical peace negotiations, ultimately the White House is running the show, and they are not about to let Karzai pull the plug on Obama's 2012 political aspirations anytime soon.

So, Mr. Karzai, although you and the Obama administration have already been duped on more than one occasion by the Taliban's phony peace negotiators, you have no choice but to heed the White House's directives.

Stay safe, Mr. Karzai, and thank you for sacrificing yourself and your country for Obama's personal gain....

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